Dit mixed Media experiment is opgebouwd uit verschillende lagen. Bewerkt met acrylverf en pigment dat gebruikt wordt om paverpol te kleuren. Hierna zijn sommige onderdelen vast gestikt en met touw zijn de kruissteken aangebracht. Het was een hele toer om dat door al die lagen heen te krijgen maar ik ben dol op touw en wilde het er per se in hebben.
This mixed media experiment is made off several layers painted with acryl and a pigment that is used to give paverpol colour. After that I stitched some parts with the machine and used rope for the cross stitch.
That was quit difficult getting the rope threw so many layers but I love to use rope in my work so I managed it after all.
This mixed media experiment is made off several layers painted with acryl and a pigment that is used to give paverpol colour. After that I stitched some parts with the machine and used rope for the cross stitch.
That was quit difficult getting the rope threw so many layers but I love to use rope in my work so I managed it after all.