right yes, left no
definately yes but not in this project
Nadat ik eergisteren nog even hard door moest werken om TIF af te krijgen kon ik het gisteren even niet meer opbrengen. Ten eerste stonden er twee wasmanden vol met strijkgoed die ik al een hele tijd uitgesteld had en toen ik daar eindelijk klaar daar mee was en ik terug naar mijn werkkamer ging was het een ontzettende rommel daar. Zo kan ik absoluut niet werken. Met de pest in ben ik toch maar begonnen met opruimen en aangezien dit echt niet in één avond weer in orde te krijgen is…..Tijdens het opruimen vond ik een aantal UFO’s verborgen onder een stapel ondergrond stof. Een ervan is een fabric book waar ik een jaar geleden aan begonnen ben. Ik geloof dat ik eindelijk weet wat me stoort er aan. De bladzijden passen niet bij elkaar. Er zitten een paar leuke bladzijden bij maar ook een paar die er echt niet tussen passen vanwege de kleur. Nu vraag ik me af waarom ik dat gedaan heb? Stof op? Ik sta nu voor de keus: weggooien of toch uit elkaar halen en opnieuw beginnen? (eigenlijk tegen mijn principes) Misschien kan ik er nog kaarten van maken? Overigens heb ik nog een derde optie: het stiekem terug onder op de stapel leggen en er verder omheen opruimen :-) Waarom kan ik toch zo slecht weggooien??????
After I worked very hard the day before yesterday to finish TIF, I could bring myself to start something new yesterday. First there where two baskets full clothes to iron, something that I have postponed for two weeks. When I was finally done with that and I wend back to my study it was such a mess. I can’t work like that. So, very grumpy, I started to clean up….and I know for sure that it takes more than one day…. During organizing I found a couple of UFO’s hidden under a stack of background fabrics. One of them is this fabric book that I started a year ago. I think I finally know what is wrong with it: the pages don’t fit together. There are some very nice pages but also a couple that are wrong because of the colour. I wonder why I chose that. Out of fabric? I now have the choice: throw it away or break it down and start again? (Actually against my principles) Maybe I can make some postcards of it? I also have a third option: put in under the stack again and clean around it :-) Why am I so bad in throwing things away???
After I worked very hard the day before yesterday to finish TIF, I could bring myself to start something new yesterday. First there where two baskets full clothes to iron, something that I have postponed for two weeks. When I was finally done with that and I wend back to my study it was such a mess. I can’t work like that. So, very grumpy, I started to clean up….and I know for sure that it takes more than one day…. During organizing I found a couple of UFO’s hidden under a stack of background fabrics. One of them is this fabric book that I started a year ago. I think I finally know what is wrong with it: the pages don’t fit together. There are some very nice pages but also a couple that are wrong because of the colour. I wonder why I chose that. Out of fabric? I now have the choice: throw it away or break it down and start again? (Actually against my principles) Maybe I can make some postcards of it? I also have a third option: put in under the stack again and clean around it :-) Why am I so bad in throwing things away???
7 opmerkingen:
I really like some of your UFO's, even some that you don't like. And that made me think. Maybe you could start a trade of UFO's. Send one away that has to go either way and receive one of the same kind. Than you'll work on the UFO of someone else. Make the best out of it, and send it back. It might be fun. And maybe you will get it back more beautiful than you send it away. I would love to give it a try. It is already doomed to throw away, so maybe this is the way to revive it.
What a nice idea, who dares?
..genauso geht es mir auch...ich kann nichts wegwerfen...und irgendwann findet man es wieder und macht etwas ganz anderes daraus..
LG Barbara
Sounds like a fun idea!
Great idea from corryna.
Don't put them under the stack again Jacqueline - they are too good to be hidden.
Why throw out something? I think trading a UFO is a great idea...especially if the one I'd be receiving was any of yours. Your work isn't a UFO at all....it's just not finished. I think this is the reason you keep them...you will need them.
PS Please blog about CYBER FYBER starting on Saturday. When I started this project I thought I would be frantic at this point. Never did I think I could produce so many postcards and ATCs, photograph them, upload the images, create the blogs, invite artists, and get it all arranged in time. I thought I'd be pulling my hair out by now. Instead...I'm ready. I'm nervous. I'm excited. I'm waiting until Saturday because that's the date I set.
I agree with Corryna, I have plenty of UFO's I'd love someone to put a new slant on. I think maybe the problem with these projects that are a year old or more is that we've moved on in the space between starting them, and so they look differnt now and don't interest us as much as our current work.
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