woensdag 16 januari 2008


Nu ik eenmaal met ATC’s bezig was had ik weer zin om er nog wat te maken. Het is af en toe heerlijk om even wat kleiner te werken. En gezien het feit dat mijn bureau dus nog steeds niet opgeruimd is ook een stuk makkelijker, kost niet zoveel ruimte :-) Ik had niet zo’n zin om series te maken dit keer, dus zijn het allemaal aparte ATC’s geworden. Ik heb onder mijn bureau een grotere bak gezet waar ik allemaal afvalstroken in gooi, al of niet bewerkt. Die gebruik ik voor dit soort doeleinden dus ik weet nooit wat er in zit.

Once I have done some ATC’s again I could stop. It is lovely to make some little pieces now and than.
Because my desk still isn’t organized it is also easier, it doesn’t take much space :-)
I didn’t feel like making series this time, so I made some single pieces. Under my desk there is a large chest where I put all my cut-of fabrics in, some of them are already stitched. These slices I use for ATC’s or postcards, but I never now what is in it.

8 opmerkingen:

Doreen G zei

Lovely work Jacqueline--you should have a good collection of ATC's now.

sharon young zei

These are lovely, Jacqueline, especially the textured black one, it reminds me of Easter eggs!
That's a great piece of fabric? paper? on the second one down, wonderful colour.
Thanks for your comment on my blog post.

Anoniem zei

These look fantastic.. I especially love the 3rd one down.. What inspired that? or did it just happen?

Micki zei

Really cool ATC's.

Dianne zei

Wonderful ATC's - especially the 2 in the middle.

Debbi Baker zei

You might not know what is in them but they are always very very interesting! As is your blog! Happy creating...

Purple Missus zei

I love those two in the middle with the foil. You must have quite a collection of ATC's by now.

Peggy zei

There are so lovelys cards. Would you like exchange? The middle with foil are abolutly my favorite.