Gisteravond was het echt pakjesavond zonder dat ik het van plan was. Ik kwam thuis en er lag een envelop uit Engeland, één uit Nederland en één uit Amerika. Die uit Amerika was nogal groot en ik zat me af te vragen wat ik in vredesnaam ook alweer besteld had. Spannend! Uit Engeland was er een kerstkaart van Anna, wat lief! In de envelop uit Nederland zat een ATC, dat was op zich ook al een verrassing, deze kwam van Annet. Zij had een aantal maanden geleden een paar boeken van me over genomen en ik was stom genoeg vergeten 1 boek in het pakket te stoppen dus moest ik er nog 1 achteraan sturen. Ter compensatie had ik er een ATC bij gedaan. Zij is nu zelf begonnen met het maken van ATC’s en vond het leuk om mij de eerste te sturen. Leuke verrassing! Toen die grote envelop nog, ik bewaar het spannendste altijd voor het laatst. Als ik hem direct had omgedraaid had ik natuurlijk de afzender al gezien, die kwam van Susan Lenz. Er zat een prachtige kaart in en een kerstornament en ook nog een boekenlegger. Het leek echt wel Sinterklaas! Ik ga nog eens bedenken hoe ik dit leuke gebaar ga beantwoorden.
Yesterday night it was almost Santa time. In Holland we celebrate Sinterklaas on 5 December, almost the same as Santa. People give each other lots of presents (especially for the kids) The past years it is also common to celebrate Santa Claus, so a lot of Dutch people celebrate both of them. I came home and there was one envelop from England, one from Holland and one from America. The one from America was very large and I was wondering what on earth I ordered and forgot about it again. Exiting! From England there was a Christmas card from Anna, so sweet! The envelop from Holland contained an ATC from Annet. I sold some books to her and I forgot to put 1 book in the package, so I had to send her a second package together with an ATC. She started now to make ATC’s herself and she wanted me to receive the first one. Nice Surprise! Than I had to open the large envelop, I always save the most exiting things for the best. If I turned it upside down immediately I had seen de sender, it was from Susan Lenz. There was this magnificent card in it, a Christmas ornament and a bookmark.
It looked almost like Santa! I am going think hard how I am going to answer this very kind gesture.
Thank you all so much!!!
Yesterday night it was almost Santa time. In Holland we celebrate Sinterklaas on 5 December, almost the same as Santa. People give each other lots of presents (especially for the kids) The past years it is also common to celebrate Santa Claus, so a lot of Dutch people celebrate both of them. I came home and there was one envelop from England, one from Holland and one from America. The one from America was very large and I was wondering what on earth I ordered and forgot about it again. Exiting! From England there was a Christmas card from Anna, so sweet! The envelop from Holland contained an ATC from Annet. I sold some books to her and I forgot to put 1 book in the package, so I had to send her a second package together with an ATC. She started now to make ATC’s herself and she wanted me to receive the first one. Nice Surprise! Than I had to open the large envelop, I always save the most exiting things for the best. If I turned it upside down immediately I had seen de sender, it was from Susan Lenz. There was this magnificent card in it, a Christmas ornament and a bookmark.
It looked almost like Santa! I am going think hard how I am going to answer this very kind gesture.
Thank you all so much!!!
1 opmerking:
Wow what a lovely surprise post for you!
I hope I didn't put you off the C&G with my descriptions, although I can't think why you would want to do it, you're extremely talented already!
Thanks for the comment on Ben's snake he's always very proud when he gets feedback for the things he makes!
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