dinsdag 28 juli 2009
maandag 27 juli 2009

Yesterday we went out for a little trip. I had planned to do some work after we got back but couldn’t manage it. I am working on a series of collages next to the little piece from this week. Sometimes it is so hard because it looks like every fabric I need is not for handed. In the mean while I painted some bondaweb to use. I ironed it on a white background. Actually I am working on all kind of things at the moment. I planned to be much disciplined this week and go upstairs to my study every night. Hope I succeed, at this moment I have to much diversion.
zaterdag 25 juli 2009
Under Construction

Alles zit aan elkaar en is nu op een punt gekomen van: Hoe nu verder? Ik heb van alles geprobeerd maar op de een of andere manier is het niet precies wat ik in gedachten had. De verhouding van het middenstuk is niet goed. Soms blijf ik gewoon te lang doorgaan. Ik moet het gewoon even wegleggen vandaag en aan iets anders beginnen. Ik ben totaal niet geschikt om maar slechts aan één stuk tegelijk te werken geloof ik. Als ik meerdere keuzes heb gaat het beter.
Everything is pieced together now and now becomes the question: How to develop this? I tried all kind of things but some way or another it is not what I had in mind. The proportions from the mid piece aren’t right. Sometimes I keep going for too long. I have to put it aside and start something new today. I can’t work just on one piece, if I have more choices things work better.
woensdag 22 juli 2009
Under construction part II

Yesterday I took the second step from the project, for which I don’t have a name yet. It will come. The piece on its own is not so big so I tried to find a solution for that. I went threw all my boxes to find a fabric that matches. Finally I didn’t choose a paper, not a fabric. The colour was exactly what I wanted; the only disadvantage is that paper is not so firm so I have to find something to clinch it. I choose felt to firm it and now I doubt if I will add another background. I also added a piece of felt on the back of the red fabric, so that is more lifted. Tonight I am gonna look how to embroider this. Or maybe I have to add something more?
dinsdag 21 juli 2009
Under construction part I

Deze keer wil ik het eens anders aanpakken, ik begin vandaag aan een werk en laat jullie hier iedere dag de voortgang van zien. Het begon met een stukje hand geverfde stof. Hier is een laag je vliesofix over heen gegaan en een laagje organza. Ik heb al in mijn hoofd hoe ik ongeveer verder wil, in ieder geval de volgende stap….. Ik krijg hier bij ook veel ongevraagde hulp zoals jullie zien. Zoals het er nu uit ziet kunnen we vrijdag om een nieuwe computer, mits Arend’s rooster niet opnieuw wijzigt. Ik wil het graag voor het weekend in orde hebben nu en hoop dat dit lukt. Ik loop ook enorm achter met blogs lezen, want na een stuk of drie berichten stopt hij er iedere keer mee.
This time I want to do something different, I start with this little work and I will show you the progression every day. This started with a piece of hand dyed fabric. I added one layer of bondaweb and one layer organza. I have an idea in my head how to develop this; actually, I know the next step….I get a lot of uninvited help as you see. It looks like we can get a new computer this Friday, if Arend’s schedule stays the same.I want to have this cleared before the weekend and hoop this will succeed. I am getting really behind on reading blogs too, after reading three posts it useally stops again.
maandag 20 juli 2009
The reason that I don’t write tat often at the moment is that my computer still isn’t working well, every day it is like: Does it work or not? This is starting to annoy me so much that I am avoiding to start up. We have to buy another computer but; and I feel so silly on that course, I don’t want to buy one without Arend. Un fortunately our schedules don’t come together the last weeks. ( he also don’t want to get one without me) It really is a expenditure and I don’t want to take this decision on my own. But I am really tired of it! This week we also couldn’t go together and I just lost contact with the internet for the third time, so somebody has to take action. So this week I cut the knot and I’ll go to get one myself. Still I wonder, why that is so hard and why I feel so insecure? Is this a women thing?
zondag 19 juli 2009
Back grounds

One of the things that keep fascinating me is playing with colour and fabric. This background is made from silk. The silk was purple and grey and there where much contrast in the colours. By using sheer organza’s I tried to get the colours closer together. At the end you can no longer see where the organza stops and the silk begins. That was my purpose. It feels like painting with fabric.
vrijdag 17 juli 2009
Wooden book

Today I did some cleaning. Didn’t had much time lately. After that I did some shopping and went to the vet with the cats for there first vaccination. When I came back I was so tired from running around that I spend a couple of hours reading before I went to my study. I managed to do three pages of the wooden book, just three more to go and it is ready to finish it off.
Wooden book
Vandaag eerst maar eens flink gepoetst. De afgelopen week weinig tijd voor gehad. Hierna de koelkast weer eens flink moeten vullen, de poesjes voor hun eerste prik naar de dierenarts gebracht en toen was de dag weer al een eind om. Ik was zo moe van dat geren dat ik eerst een paar uur heb zitten lezen voor ik naar boven ging. Ik heb drie bladzijden van het houten boekje af kunnen krijgen, nog drie en dan is het klaar om afgewerkt te worden.
Today I did a lot of cleaning. The past time I had so little time for it. After that I did a lot of shopping to fill the fridge, took the cats to the vet for there first injection and the day was allready gone again. I was so tired from running around that I spend a couple of hours reading before I went to my study. I managed to do three pages of the wooden book, just three more and it is ready to do the finishing.
donderdag 16 juli 2009

Like I said earlier; I had very less time yesterday. Still I wanted to do something creative. That is a good sign; I am slowly picking up on my work again. On my desk there was a box with unfinished ATC’s that need finishing. So I spend some time working on that. There are some ATC’s for trade and some as a giveaway at sales etc. If somebody wants to trade, please let me know and mail me.
dinsdag 14 juli 2009
Back grounds

Gisteren heb ik wel degelijk gewerkt alleen lag mijn internet er weer eens uit. Het begint echt vervelend te worden. Ik denk toch dat het met een nieuwe computer opgelost is, er zit ergens een storing tussen een van mijn programma’s en het internet. Ik was nog van plan om het dan vanmorgen er op te zetten maar vanmorgen lag hij er ook weer uit. Op zich was het ook geen boeiende post hi, hi, ik ben gisteren met alcohol inkt aan het spelen geweest. Ik heb wat achtergronden gemaakt voor boeken of kaarten. Het blijft leuk materiaal om mee te spelen, de kleuren zijn echt geweldig. Ik had even geen zin om met textiel bezig te zijn. Ik heb een nieuwe uitdaging nodig voor mijn gevoel, vanavond heb ik een vergadering en weinig tijd maar morgen ga ik eens speuren naar wedstrijden. Ik moet ook nog aan de nieuwe opdracht van TeXui beginnen maar ik heb nog even geen ideeën hiervoor. Om het niet te forceren wil ik aan iets anders beginnen.
Yesterday I did do some work but my internet was not working AGAIN. This is starting to be very annoying. I think a new computer will solve the problem; there is somewhere an obstruction between the programs on my computer and the internet. I planned to post it this morning, but this morning it also didn’t work. It wasn’t a great post anyway, LOL, yesterday I played with alcohol ink. I made some back grounds for books or cards. It is such nice material to play with, the colours are so great. I didn’t feel like working with textile. I would love to have a new challenge, tonight I have a meeting so I haven’t got much time; but tomorrow I am gonna search for challenges on the web. There is also a new assignment for TeXui but I have no ideas yet. So because I don’t want to force myself I will start something new.
zaterdag 11 juli 2009
New piece
Een nieuwe werk, nog zonder titel tot nu toe. De ondergrond is bruin vilt, daarover heen zit een laag geverfde zijde, polyester, scrim, papier. Machinaal en met de hand geborduurd. Foto's kunnen vergroot worden voor details.
A new work, whithout a title for now. The base is a brown felt, with a painted silk layer on top, polyester, scrim and paper. Embroidered with the sewing machine and with hand. Pictures can't be enlarged to see the details.
donderdag 9 juli 2009
I made some background fabric today for postcards. Didn't had much time left because I had dinner guests. Tomorrow I am free so I can do some more work. I feel like starting a large piece but have no idea.....YET....
woensdag 8 juli 2009
Feeling Guilty

It is really bad, it starts already. I came home yesterday and the little ones where so happy so I couldn’t get myself going upstairs. So I’ve done some stamp carving downstairs. They are only aloud in one room at the moment and I want slowly expanding that. So at the end they are aloud in my study but in the mean while, if I want to see them I have to work downstairs. At this age they are so cute and they grow so fast.
maandag 6 juli 2009
Book III

Every now and than I cal out that I have to organize my study but till now I couldn’t find the time :-(
I keep postponing it I guess and it is getting impossible to work there. I moved downstairs and work on my paint table at the moment but that doesn’t solve the problem. The travel book is going very fast, I am really searching for a way to accomplish this. I have painted some backgrounds but none of them was satisfying, the colours are too heavy. I have to search for the right paint also. The pictures came out great though; they are just what I wanted. It maybe easier to work on single papers, if something goes wrong you can always take another one. I find this very difficult, fabric books are a lot easier. But it is a nice challenge.
zondag 5 juli 2009
Slow work