It goes very well with TeXui, we have a lot of exhibitions coming up. Starting with the handwerkbeurs in Ahoy – Rotterdam on 16 October. This means that this week needs a lot of work. Now that I couldn’t do what I wanted to do this holiday, I have to go over to plan B, this means finishing a lot of work so that there will be some work that have never been exhibited. I have a lot of pieces who don’t need much work anymore, but I keep delaying it. Fortunately I still have this week free from work so I can try to do as much as possible. This quilt is the only piece I work on during the holiday and it isn’t even finished………….
dinsdag 29 september 2009
It goes very well with TeXui, we have a lot of exhibitions coming up. Starting with the handwerkbeurs in Ahoy – Rotterdam on 16 October. This means that this week needs a lot of work. Now that I couldn’t do what I wanted to do this holiday, I have to go over to plan B, this means finishing a lot of work so that there will be some work that have never been exhibited. I have a lot of pieces who don’t need much work anymore, but I keep delaying it. Fortunately I still have this week free from work so I can try to do as much as possible. This quilt is the only piece I work on during the holiday and it isn’t even finished………….
maandag 28 september 2009
I am back! The plan was that Arend was going to do a lot of kilometers on his bike and I was doing a lot of kilometers sewing but things were a lot different. The day after St. Marie (Val d’Argent) Arend became sick and the off course the day after that I became sick too. We came home a day earlier than we had planned but I needed some days to recover. Today I feel better and I did spend some time on my sewing. Not much to show you, but I will make it up later on.
maandag 14 september 2009
Second piece
Als ik dan een keer bezig bent gaat het hard, hi, hi....dit stuk is gemaakt van een overschot van het break down printen..
When I am on the run, I'll go very hard LOL...this piece is made from a leftover from the break down printing.
zondag 13 september 2009
New work
Waar begin je dan aan na zo'n drukke week? Eerst maar eens wat lagen over elkaar gezet voor een klein werk. Ik moet slechts nog een paar dagen werken en dan naar Val d'Argent dus het is erg moeilijk weer aan iets nieuws te beginnen. Ik hoop in ieder geval een heleboel inspiratie op te doen. Na Val d'Argent heb ik vakantie en deze keer blijven we thuis dus dat betekend veel werk verzetten:-)
So where do you start after such a busy week? First I added some layers together for a small work. I only have to work for a couple of days yet, before we are going to Val dá Argent, so it is very hard to start something new. I hope to get a lot of inspiration there, because after Val d'Argent I have vacation and this time we are not going anywhere so this means I can get a lot of work done :-)
vrijdag 11 september 2009
woensdag 9 september 2009
In between studying
And in between studying I do some painting with Koh-I-Nohr. I bought this wonderful landscaped sketchbook in Birmingham. Just two more days..........
zondag 6 september 2009
All kinds of things.....

Een paar dagen niets van me laten horen en deze week wordt ook moeilijk. Ik heb aanstaande vrijdag examen en ik wil het halen dus ik moet even hard aan de slag anders kost het me nog meer tijd. Ik zal het goed maken met een heleboel foto’s want tussen de bedrijven door werk ik nog wel :-) Vrijdag zijn we bij Sandra geweest, Annette, Laura, Corryna, Willy en ik. Emmy zou ook komen maar was niet zo lekker, jammer hoor. We hebben gebatikt. Hier is een deel van het werk, sommige lapjes heb ik gespoten, andere zijn geverfd met proxion. Het was heel erg gezellig en Sandra was een fantastische gastvrouw, ze heeft ons heel erg verwend. Deze dag is zeker voor herhaling vatbaar. In de tussentijd ben ik ook nog aan het schilderen, donderdag heb ik samen met mijn zus en Evi de eerste opzet gemaakt en iedere dag een laagje erbij. Ik ben nog aan het quilten, aan het leren en aan het ontwerpen. Genoeg te doen dus.
You didn’t hear from me the past days and this week is also very quiet. A have an exam this Friday and I want to succeed so I have to put a lot of time in it. If I don’t this costs me more time. I shall make it up to you by giving you a lot of pictures, because between all this I do work. Last Friday we went to Sandra, Annette, Laura, Corryna, Willy and me. Emmy would also come but wasn’t feeling well, which is really a pity. We did some batik work. This is some of it, some fabric I have spray painted, some is dyed in the proxion. It was really a nice day and Sandra was a great host, she really spoiled us. This day is really worth for repetition. In the mean while I am painting, Thursday my sister , Evi and I started with the painting and every day I add a new layer. I am also busy with quilting, learning and designing. A lot of work though….
woensdag 2 september 2009
New site
Wat mij betreft mag het echt nog een poosje zomer blijven hoor.
The days are getting shorter again; nowadays it is dark again when I wake up. That’s why I was delighted to visit as one of the first visitors the new jewellery website from my friend Lucy. What a great colours!!!! So cheerful!!!!Well, look for it yourself:-) As for me, I hope it will stay summer for a while.
dinsdag 1 september 2009

Ik ben nu weer helemaal bij en ga proberen het iets beter bij te houden. Nu nog wat meer discipline zien te vinden ha, ha…
I can’t find the right work rhythm at the moment. I am easily distracted, which is very normal when you see the pictures LOL….In the evening it is so lovely outside and I can get myself to go upstairs to my study. Do I have a summer ? It is not that I don’t feel like it, the time just flies too quick. My computer starts to act strange again; probably there is something else wrong with it. So I was very behind reading blogs. If there are so many posts to read that I can’t comment on all, sorry, but I want to get even with it…..I am now starting with a fresh list, and I will try to keep it that way. If I only could find more discipline.